Category: Timeline Stories

All timeline stories.

CW prottype #2

Through course collaborations, students drew inspiration from the library’s extensive collections to create their own works. The CW prototype #2 explores how the Collection Wall can become a co-curated source of knowledge for academic pursuits across campus. The creative results are now showcased on the Wall, offering an interactive experience for the visitors. The authors’ names and photos are prominently featured, celebrating the students’ contributions.

Copyright Information Point

“Teachers, students and researchers often have questions about copyright. TU Delft Library has launched a new Copyright website where you can find almost tailor-made answers to copyright questions about re-using materials, publishing your own work, copyright exceptions and agreements/contracts, plagiarism and more. This step-by-step APA style website, serves as an information desk and demonstrates best copyright practices used at TU Delft. Take a look and found out the answers to your questions yourself!”

CW Prototype #1

In the research and development phase of the Collection Wall project, a section of the book wall has become a prototyping area. Prototype #1 is our first attempt to integrate screens within shelves, displaying data from online repositories, and merging digital and physical academic collections. Books and tokens can be scanned for digital recommendations, focusing on master theses and dissertations, and publications by “Best Graduates” (nominated annually by faculties). Historic dissertations are paired with associated physical objects from our Academic Heritage collection, and displayed in vitrines, with AI-generated keywords used to link content.

XR Cone

The XR Cone is a proof-of-concept station designed to visualize and navigate our nonstandard format collections, such as videos, maps, and 3D scans. It transforms the floors of the central cone into shelves of animated visualizations. In a single XR experience, users can interact with collections which are otherwise dispersed across various websites and have limited physical presence.


PURE replaces Metis Pure is a web-based research information system (RIS). It stores all TU Delft research output, such as publications, news items, patents, prizes and activities of TU Delft researchers.


100,000s of maps are available through IIIF, across libraries, archives and museums worldwide. Allmaps makes it easier and more inspiring to curate, georeference and explore collections of digitized maps.

DataCite Netherlands

TU Delft Library is a founding member of DataCite and consortium leader of the TU Delft DOI Consortium. TU Delft Library has established DataCite Netherlands to serve as a central research dataset registration service that helps Dutch research organizations to register DOIs for scientific resources.