The Digital Service Programme is managed by the Management Team of TU Delft Library. Member takes responsibility for a different theme of the programme. Contact Alastair Dunning for questions about the programme.

Management Team

Alastair Dunning

Service Design, ICT & Repository projects

Ingrid Klok

Usability and Communications

Irene Haslinger 

Director of Library

Karin Clavel

Innovation Funnel

Lies de Coninck

Staff Development

Design Team

Chen Hao

Service Design Manager

Dilay Sarpay

Service Design

Rosie Paulissen

UX & Service Design

Lina Li

Service Design

Ginny Yang

UX Researcher

Bhavika Dhar

Design Assistant

Alina Wundsam

Design Assistant

Betsie Loeffen

Design Assistant

Nora Allan

Design Assistant

Joost van Baar

Design Assistant

Karlijn Sanders

Design Assistant

Laura van der Linden

Design Assistant

Project Members

Ardi Nonhebel 

Project Manager


Armand Guicherit

Library Research Support, Coordinator CRIS/IR

Inge Geuzebroek

Content Manager

Jaap Van de Geer

Coordinator Contact Centre Ask Your Library

Lynette Croxford

Communications Manager

Andjela Tomic


Advisory Board

The advisory board meets two to three time a year. Irene Haslinger and Alastair Dunning from the library attend the Advisory Board meetings.

– Hans Derkx, Head, Department of ICT

– Erik Jan HultinkProfessor, Faculty of Industrial Design

– Lucas Van VlietDean, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science