Category: Timeline Stories - page 2

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100,000s of maps are available through IIIF, across libraries, archives and museums worldwide. Allmaps makes it easier and more inspiring to curate, georeference and explore collections of digitized maps.

DataCite Netherlands

TU Delft Library is a founding member of DataCite and consortium leader of the TU Delft DOI Consortium. TU Delft Library has established DataCite Netherlands to serve as a central research dataset registration service that helps Dutch research organizations to register DOIs for scientific resources.

Information Skills BSc

In higher education and research efficently finding and judging relevant scientific information is critical. Information skills are essential for all students (Bachelor & Master) and for researchers. The TU Delft Library offers students courses to develop these information skills.

Service Design Team & Studio

As front-runners in the field, we utilize a people-centered process to enhance the user experience of our services. Through collaborative methods that engage both customers and service delivery teams, we gain a holistic understanding of our users and the services we provide. Join us in revolutionizing service delivery by exploring our page to learn more about our service design projects.

TU Delft OPEN Pubishing

We publish high-standard publications on subjects that are relevant to TU Delft, offering a community-driven, open access communication channel. We explore new forms of scholarly communications, providing innovative and trusted home for journals, books and textbooks.