Collection Wall prototype #3
The Collection Wall prototype #3 explores new ways of enhancing visitor interaction with the physical books at the wall. The AI Librarian Holo-vitrine experience combines artificial intelligence and RFID technology to offer students career predictions based on the books they scan. Positioned between the shelves, it works with a new book recommendation system, where expert educators highlight recent titles. The goal is to engage visitors in exploring the physical collection in a playful way, emphasizing how reading can help to shape their future careers.
Collection Wall prototype #2
Through course collaborations, students drew inspiration from the library’s extensive collections to create their own works. The CW prototype #2 explores how the Collection Wall can become a co-curated source of knowledge for academic pursuits across campus. The creative results are now showcased on the Wall, offering an interactive experience for the visitors. The authors’ names and photos are prominently featured, celebrating the students’ contributions.
Collection Wall prototype #1
In the research and development phase of the Collection Wall project, a section of the book wall has become a prototyping area. Prototype #1 is our first attempt to integrate screens within shelves, displaying data from online repositories, and merging digital and physical academic collections. Books and tokens can be scanned for digital recommendations, focusing on master theses and dissertations, and publications by “Best Graduates” (nominated annually by faculties). Historic dissertations are paired with associated physical objects from our Academic Heritage collection, and displayed in vitrines, with AI-generated keywords used to link content.
Copyright Information Point
“Teachers, students and researchers often have questions about copyright. TU Delft Library has launched a new Copyright website where you can find almost tailor-made answers to copyright questions about re-using materials, publishing your own work, copyright exceptions and agreements/contracts, plagiarism and more. This step-by-step APA style website, serves as an information desk and demonstrates best copyright practices used at TU Delft. Take a look and found out the answers to your questions yourself!”
Educational Resource Lists
Educational Resource Lists tool (Talis Aspire) enables academic institutions to manage and provide access to course materials. Teachers can easily create and manage resource lists for their courses by searching for and adding resources to the lists. These resources can include books, articles, multimedia, web pages, and more, from a variety of sources.
XR Cone
The XR Cone is a proof-of-concept station designed to visualize and navigate our nonstandard format collections, such as videos, maps, and 3D scans. It transforms the floors of the central cone into shelves of animated visualizations. In a single XR experience, users can interact with collections which are otherwise dispersed across various websites and have limited physical presence.
DIY Video & Podcast
If you want to create your own Video, podcast or voice-over, you can do so in our Video Box or Podcast Box. Currently there is a Podcast Box in the NewMedia Centre and a Video Box in the Teaching Lab. The Video Box in the Teaching Lab is only available for Teachers but soon a New Video Box will open at the Library for the whole TU Delft Community.
Djehuty Open Source Repository software
The launch of our in-house developed free and open source repository software, called Djehuty. With this launch, 4TU.ResearchData was proud to move to a free and open-source software, in support of our open science efforts and overall vision.
Oracle 1.0 prototype
A custom–built discovery, serendipity, and data-mining application and installation, The Oracle of Delft, is a prototype using Ai trained on TU Delft collections for human-machine knowledge interaction.
Service Design Team & Studio
As front-runners in the field, we utilize a people-centered process to enhance the user experience of our services. Through collaborative methods that engage both customers and service delivery teams, we gain a holistic understanding of our users and the services we provide. Join us in revolutionizing service delivery by exploring our page to learn more about our service design projects.
NMC Media Lab
Innovation is in our DNA. We test, develop and experiment with new media technology to explore its potential and increase its value for education and research. Our lab is located in room 084 at the TU Delft Library. That’s where the new communication tools are born to serve the TU Delft Community: many of the ideas and experiments turn into projects and move on to a production stage.
Topdesk: One Stop Shop customer service
TU Library implemented the Customer Service Management System Topdesk as a backend for their One Stop Shop Customer Service. A first step in becoming the most customer friendly academic library.
VR Zone (now XR Zone)
We extend the possibilities of reality with the use of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality technologies. We are here to become your portal to the immersive world of XR (extended reality) and to assist students, lecturers and researchers in using, building and exploring this tech in education and research.
Read Me free little Library
A special book tree was created in the Mekelpark for exchanging inspirational books about personal and professional development following the popular and familiar ideas of the free little libraries: take one, leave one. After the successful introduction of the Read Me tree, satellite locations followed the concept with a small book crate of free books, both on campus at X and in the city centre at coffee houses and a community centre, until maintenance of these satellite locations was no longer feasible in 2020. The same year the tree had to be cut down, due to disease. In 2024 the remaining book tree stump..Read More
Access anywhere with Lean Library
When you browse and search the internet for articles, journals or databases you may find content licensed by us. However, if you are not on campus or not connected to the campus network, the website you visit does not know and will not give you access to web pages or publications. Or worse, asks you to pay for access (paywall). In these cases, the Lean Library Browser Extension will automatically show you a notification and give you access to the licensed content offered by the library.
Data Repository
The TU Data Repository was launched on Fedora software and ran for 10 years before switching over to Figshare.
DataCite Netherlands
TU Delft Library is a founding member of DataCite and consortium leader of the TU Delft DOI Consortium. TU Delft Library has established DataCite Netherlands to serve as a central research dataset registration service that helps Dutch research organizations to register DOIs for scientific resources.
Information Skills BSc
In higher education and research efficently finding and judging relevant scientific information is critical. Information skills are essential for all students (Bachelor & Master) and for researchers. The TU Delft Library offers students courses to develop these information skills.