The service must be comprehensible and intuitive. Users should be engaged to ensure they understand it. 


Why is it important?    

Staff and students are busy. They are used to professional services on the internet where language and usability can make or break a service. Complex, not easy to use services, where the end-user has to spend too much thinking time to work out how the service operates, will be used less or not at all. 


What to do?

  • Test the user experience of different end-user groups, using simplicity as a key design principle
  • Test the user experience of end-user groups on different devices (i.e. browser based / phone based)
  • Break down complex services into simpler services (where logical)   
  • When procuring services from third parties, ensure this standard is build into the procurement requirements 
  • Be aware of the accessibility of your service. Can the service be used by all end-users, regardless of any disability? If not, make a plan to improve accessibility of your service. 

